
Our adult patients are saying:<\/h1>\n\n\n

THIS is patient care!<\/h3>

\u201cI would recommend Dr. Shelley most enthusiastically. She is thorough and accurate in her diagnosis and takes great pains to clearly explain the causes of symptoms and the treatments designed to remove them. Most important, she is concerned about the person, not just with a set of symptoms. This is what patient care should be about but so rarely is in our age of assembly line medical treatment.\u201d<\/p><\/div>

~ Eric K.<\/div>

She gave me my life back.<\/h3>

\u201cSince coming to Dr. Shelley, I feel like a normal functioning person. I have gone from not being able to go up and down stairs and sitting in a chair all day to being able to do most things that I want to do. She gave me my life back.\u201d<\/p><\/div>

~Renee K.<\/div>

I unreservedly recommend Dr. Shelley!<\/h3>

\u201cI recommend chiropractic treatment to other patients, who, like us, struggle with chronic and frustrating problems that don’t resolve with standard treatments, especially ear and sinus problems. I can unreservedly recommend Dr. Shelley, whose non-force method is very gentle and safe even for newborns, and whose professionalism and expertise are clearly evident.\u201d<\/p><\/div>

~Becky M.<\/div>

Forget your preconceived notions …<\/h3>

They are the greatest – very friendly and welcoming. Put you at ease right away. Additionally, very organized and strong communicators! Although I still need to have right hip replacement (bone on bone situation) I don\u2019t think I could have made it – and remained still somewhat active – without Dr Shelley\u2019s work on me. Forget any preconceived thoughts you might have about chiropractors; Dr. Shelley is very knowledgeable and has helped me tremendously.<\/p><\/div>

~ Amy, age 60+<\/div>

I sleep better. I walk better. It allows me to fully do yoga.<\/h3>

Dr. Shelley helps with pain in my herniated discs. She helped with my severe arthritis in my knees and makes me able to live my life. I sleep better. I walk better. It allows me to fully do yoga. Chiropractic care really helps keep you fully aligned in life and in body. The warmth and kindness of Dr. Shelley and her staff make the experience really comfortable.<\/p><\/div>

~Jillian S, age 53<\/div>

Less pain … AND I am not so grumpy!<\/h3>

For the first time I have hope that my hip pain will lessen enough to improve my quality of life!!\u00a0 With less pain I have more energy AND I am not so grumpy!<\/p>

The staff always asks about me or my day, and they actually listen to me. Super friendly and caring.<\/p><\/div>

~S.P., age 66<\/div>

Incredibly effective for sinus issues<\/h3>

Gentle but incredibly effective treatment for back pain, TMJ, sinus issues, you name it. My son was constantly on antibiotics for perpetual sinus infections until we started working with Dr. Shelley. The week we started with her was the last week he needed them – he\u2019s been antibiotic-free for years now. The treatment is very gentle and incredibly effective. Wonderful staff who are so accommodating of individual needs and full of good energy.<\/p><\/div>

~Rebecca P., patient, and mom of patient<\/div>

Her technique is so effective<\/h3>

I came with neck and low back pain. Dr. Shelley is gentle, but her technique is so effective. Here staff is super friendly and helpful, and the atmosphere in the office is very upbeat.<\/p><\/div>

~Chris, age 69<\/div>

After my first visit I felt lighter on my feet<\/h3>

After my first visit I felt lighter on my feet, my back felt straighter, and my body more relaxed. Really nice staff, felt like I knew already Dr. Shelly when we first met. Good service and fast results.<\/p><\/div>

~ Clark, age 20<\/div>

Neck, low back, and carpal tunnel pain \u2013\u00a0 gone.<\/h3>

My neck and low back pain, and carpal tunnel pain \u2013\u00a0 gone. I have been seeing Dr. Shelley for 10+ years \u2013 that’s<\/span> testimonial. Such a kind and knowledgeable staff too \u2013 the best!<\/p><\/div>

~Wendy, age 64<\/div>

Keeps me functional<\/h3>

I come for pain relief, mobility, quality of life in general. I feel like my weekly adjustments keep me functional in terms of being able to do normal, everyday activities.<\/p><\/div>

~ Anonymous, age 60<\/div>

Back to my physically-active lifestyle<\/h3>

A friend referred me to Dr. Shelley after months of PT weren\u2019t working to relieve a pinched nerve in my shoulder area. It was inhibiting my lifestyle and very frustrating. Within just a couple of weeks Dr. Shelley had me almost pain-free! After a month, I was feeling back to normal. That was years ago. I\u2019ve continued in her care because, a) of how great I feel after an adjustment and b) of how quickly I heal (including a couple of broken bones along the way) with her help. Dr. Shelley is thoughtful, knowledgeable, and cares deeply about her patients. She listens and works hard to address your concerns. I recently injured my lower back and with each adjustment, I noticed a marked improvement in my pain level and mobility. Her care helped me to get back to my physically-active lifestyle with no lingering symptoms.<\/p>

Sable and Traci are wonderful; warm, friendly, responsive and efficient! I thoroughly enjoy chatting with the entire team when I\u2019m there. The vibe of the office is upbeat and social but they do provide a private space if you prefer. Friendly and knowledgeable staff, and success of care all result in a good feeling of continued wellbeing.<\/p><\/div>

~Kathryn, age 56<\/div>

Regular appointments help keep my neck from hurting and help me monitor my stress<\/h3>

A sad back from stress, combined with an old neck injury, led me to visit Dr. Shelley. My recurring appointments with Dr. Shelly help keep my neck injury from hurting as well as helping me monitor how stress is building up in my back. Dr. Shelly is caring and (her technique) does not hurt. And it’s easy to work with office staff to make or change appointment times.<\/p><\/div>

~David P., age 53<\/div>

Treatment has done wonders<\/h3>

Dr. Shelley gives excellent care. (Treatment) has done wonders for my neck, lower back and sciatic pain of the sciatica. She has been excellent at relieving the discomfort I have experienced after doing excess activities such as yard and housework! Expert care and treatment. The office staff is very friendly, caring and helpful in every situation.<\/p><\/div>

~Portia, age 77<\/div>

My dog and I will be lifetime patients!<\/h3>

Dr. Shelley is an excellent Chiropractor. I went to her for neck pain (could not turn my head far to the left) and shoulder pain (very painful when doing push-ups).\u00a0 She did a thorough exam on my first visit. From there, she adjusted me for probably two months and after that all pain was GONE! I continue to go to her for adjustments because I know it\u2019s healthy to do \u2013 maybe it will help ward off any other issues! I have to also say I really like the fact the appointment lasts 15 minutes not one hour! The results are excellent! She has excellent communication skills. I feel Dr. Shelley listened to my pain problems and was empathetic. She\u2019s very thorough about your medical history. She is so knowledgeable and I always feel I\u2019m in very good hands when visiting her. Between my dog and I, we will be lifetime patients!<\/strong><\/p>

Dr. Shelley\u2019s office staff is so very friendly! They always greet you with a smile! Scheduling with them is always easy and they\u2019re very accommodating if I have to change it. It\u2019s a pleasure to walk in there. I like everything about Dr. Shelley and her office staff.<\/p><\/div>

~Carol Ann, age 72<\/div>

Parents of our young patients are saying:<\/h2>\n\n\n

How much better his life is!<\/h3>

\u201cWithin six hours {of his adjustment}, my son started to have a lot of drainage, and his color and mood improved dramatically. If he gets a cold, I make sure to bring him in, and he no longer lags behind the rest of the family in getting over them. I can’t tell you how much better his life is.\u201d<\/p><\/div>

~Rebecca M., mom of patient<\/div>

Incredibly effective for sinus issues<\/h3>

Gentle but incredibly effective treatment for back pain, TMJ, sinus issues, you name it. My son was constantly on antibiotics for perpetual sinus infections until we started working with Dr. Shelley. The week we started with her was the last week he needed them – he\u2019s been antibiotic-free for years now. The treatment is very gentle and incredibly effective. Wonderful staff who are so accommodating of individual needs and full of good energy.<\/p><\/div>

~Rebecca P., patient, and mom of patient<\/div>

Our animal parents say:<\/h2>\n\n\n

After two adjustments she was walking well again!<\/h3>

My sweet Tammy had trouble toward the end with walking. After two adjustments she was walking well again! (They treated her, and me, with) effectiveness, kindness, humor.<\/p><\/div>

~S.P., dog mom<\/div>

My dog’s quality of life is so much better now<\/h3>

My dog has spinal stenosis and chiropractic makes her quality of life so much better. She plays and takes walks and enjoys life.<\/p><\/div>

~ Chris, dog parent<\/div>

My dog and I will be lifetime patients!<\/h3>

Dr. Shelley is an excellent Chiropractor. I went to her for neck pain (could not turn my head far to the left) and shoulder pain (very painful when doing push-ups).\u00a0 She did a thorough exam on my first visit. From there, she adjusted me for probably two months and after that all pain was GONE! I continue to go to her for adjustments because I know it\u2019s healthy to do \u2013 maybe it will help ward off any other issues! I have to also say I really like the fact the appointment lasts 15 minutes not one hour! The results are excellent! She has excellent communication skills. I feel Dr. Shelley listened to my pain problems and was empathetic. She\u2019s very thorough about your medical history. She is so knowledgeable and I always feel I\u2019m in very good hands when visiting her. Between my dog and I, we will be lifetime patients!<\/strong><\/p>

Dr. Shelley\u2019s office staff is so very friendly! They always greet you with a smile! Scheduling with them is always easy and they\u2019re very accommodating if I have to change it. It\u2019s a pleasure to walk in there. I like everything about Dr. Shelley and her office staff.<\/p><\/div>

~Carol Ann, age 72<\/div>

Our adult patients are saying: Parents of our young patients are saying: Our animal parents say:<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":5172,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-306","page","type-page","status-publish"],"yoast_head":"\nTestimonials - Cuyahoga Chiropractic<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Thinking about Chiropractic care? 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